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WE WILL BE INCREASING FEES – Effective 1 July 2024

Due to the recent change in interpretation of tax legislation by the State Government specifically targeting general practice. Revenue SA has deemed Independent Medical Practitioners working under agreements to be employees. We have been mandated to pay Payroll Tax for our Independent Medical Practitioners who work under independent agreements. Please see ruling PTA041 by Revenue SA.

As a clinic we are unable to absorb this absorbent cost and will be required to pass it on. As a result, our gap fees from 1st July 2024 will now be:

Private Fee – $59.00 gap
After Hours – $74.00 gap
Pension/Concession Fee – $28.00 gap
After Hours – $35.00 gap

Please note: Independent Doctors may have different fees to the partners.
What you can do

  • Please contact your local state member of parliament if you have any issues.
  • Sign the petition below – please see QR code

By signing this petition, you will show your support to a fairer, stronger and more affordable health care system.

Welcome Dr Swathi Edakkadan 

We are excited to welcome Dr Swathi Edakkadan to Regency Medical Clinic as an Independent Medical Practitioner.

Dr Edakkadan will consult Tuesdays, Wednesdays and alternate Fridays commencing 14 May 2024.

Welcome Dr Susannah Dunmall (GP Registrar)

We are excited to welcome back Dr Susannah Dunmall to our practice.

Dr Dunmall will consult Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays commencing 5 February 2024.

We registered for MyMedicare – now you can too 

Regency Medical Clinic has joined thousands of healthcare providers across Australia in registering in MyMedicare, a new voluntary registration system that will help us formalise the relationship between us and our patients. 

MyMedicare allows you to nominate a general practice and general practitioner as your regular healthcare provider. When you register in MyMedicare, extra funding from the Australian Government becomes available to support our practice to provide more of the targeted care you need. 

Patients who register with our practice in MyMedicare may benefit from:

  • longer MBS-funded telephone consultations, from 1 November 2023
  • longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for children under 16 and Commonwealth concession card holders at the new triple bulk billing rate, from 1 November 2023
  • more regular visits from their GP and better care planning for people living in a Residential Aged Care Home, from August 2024
  • connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people with chronic conditions who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024. 

Formalising the patient-practice relationship, like with MyMedicare, has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, and that is why we are inviting all of our regular patients to register in MyMedicare. 

 If you have a valid Medicare card or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran card and have had two face-to-face consultations with us in the last 24 months, you are eligible for MyMedicare.

 Registration is easy. To register as a MyMedicare patient, you can: 

  • fill out a paper registration form at our practice
  • complete the registration process in your Medicare Online Account
  • ask our team to start the registration process – you can then complete registration in your   Medicare Online Account. 

Ask about MyMedicare next time you talk to us. For more information visit